Feeling Good Again


Live Q&A with Coach Gina

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Feeling Good Again


Live Q&A with Coach Gina

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You're Here Because...

Hallelujah!! You’ve followed your heart, created a business, and you are ready to ROLL!!

You have a business idea, maybe a website created, social media channels ready, maybe you’re bringing in a few clients here and there, earning some money… something you once dreamed of!

But it’s still not going how you imagined.

Are you totally OVER staring at a mostly empty calendar?

Sick of doing #allthethings to market yourself and still hearing crickets?


Maybe marketing drains you all together and you wonder if your business is ever ever going to support you financially.

The worst is when those dreaded thoughts creep in telling you you’ll be stuck working a 9-5 for the rest of your life.

If so, you’re not alone.

I totally get it. I’ve had clients come to me after spending tens of thousands of dollars working with high-end coaches and not generating much income, maxing out credit cards on online courses they never seem to finish, taking out loans to learn how to create funnels and run online webinars that no one even shows up to.

Many clients come to me saying, “I used to think this business was aligned with my purpose, but I’m not so sure anymore” all because they can’t seem to find enough clients and they are up to their eyeballs in debt from programs that didn’t get them results.


I told you this business of yours IS aligned with your purpose, and this IS the work you were meant to do in the world... you’re just not focusing your efforts in the right place.

So many of these fancy funnels, webinars, social media marketing, email marketing, and #alltheotherthings are designed to work when you’re already earning a certain amount of money, or you already have a certain number of people in your community or on your email list.

So the question is… if #alltheotherthings aren’t working….

"How DO I create consistent leads that turn into consistent clients?"

"How DO I create consistent $5K, and then $8K+ months (where you hit SIX-FIGURES)?"

In this short video, I’m going to share with you how I went from earning a BIG FAT $0 in my business, to consistent $8K-$10K months, and how I’ve helped countless of coaches, healers, practitioners, and consultants do the same!

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